Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Last year at 6am I was in route to the hospital. I was being induced. There wasnt a really good reason for me to be induced. I was having a lot of back pain with Ryleigh due to my 2 slightly buldging disks and I wanted her out. At around 630am I was hooked up to the monitors and the pitocin drip was started. I was happy and terrified at the same time. I came into the hospital having a just a husband and I was leaving with this little baby that I knew nothing about. She wasnt going to come with instructions and I had to figure out what the heck I was supposed to do with her all day. That part scared me. All my life my dream was to become a mom. But was I ready? Would I know what to do?

I was having slight contractions, but nothing was progressing. The contractions werent getting closer together and I wasnt dialating. My OB came in at around 330pm and gave me 2 options. #1 I could spend the night and try again in the morning. But if I did that and there was no baby at the end of day 2 I would have to have a c/s. #2 I could go home and wait till she came on her own. She left the room and gave us a few min to decide. I was a mess. The one thing I didnt want was a c/s. That scared me to death to even think they would cut me open while I was AWAKE and take my baby out of me. I had seen it all too many times on Baby story and I would watch it with a wrinked up face looking through my fingers that were covering my eyes.

Bobby and I decided that we would try again in the morning. Before he left that night he prayed with me and we put it in gods hands.

To be continued...


Laura McIntyre said...

More, more , more - i know i have heard it already but its been a year and i love birth stories.

Christina said...

I love to read birth stories - can't wait for more!